The first 24 Hours!

The First 24 Hours

What an amazing first 24 hours. The outpouring of support and donations has been amazing, thank you everyone who has been involved so far. It still seems like an incredibly massive task trying to get together the amount of funds needed to get where we need to go, but every little bit counts. We have plenty of time to make it happen, just need to work on my patience a LOT more.

We are considering a few things, one of which is a silent auction dinner somewhere, if anyone has anything they can either contribute or donate for auction please let me know. I’ll be doing a bit of asking around over the next little while so don;t be surprised if any of you see an email, call or knock on the door from me.

Does anyone have any contacts at TUI HQ that might be able to get hold of a selection of bottle caps for a quiz evening? Had that suggestion made and I think that’d be good fun.

We are very open to ideas, I am sure we’ll run some BBQ’s around town etc. I am ready to make this happen, now that the process has started I am excited to kick this MS and move on with life as a normal, husband, father, son, brother, friend! The last couple of years have been utter turmoil and never knowing what is next is not a nice way to live life for me or those around me. This treatment can let us get back to safety and security and normality. Those things you take for granted until they’re not there anymore.

Thanks everyone, you are all amazing and we could never make this happen without all your support!

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