Hi Everyone, This update has been a while coming sorry. It has been a hectic few weeks so I just trying to catch up now. If I miss anything in this post please don’t be offended, I am doing my best to remember everything, just shoot me a message and I promise I will do better next time.
First of all I have lots of THANKS to pass on. We have had lots of things happening in the background lately. To start we have been given a VERY generous pledge of around $10,000 to add to our tally, I haven’t confirmed whether or not the donors would like to be named on here, but please know how incredibly thankful we are, It is an amazing boost to our fund. We also got the proceeds of a Poker Night, The proceeds of Brenda’s Host-A-Roast night and a few other items come through which have all helped to push us to an amazing:

That’s right, $80k (We are showing JUST under on the site at the moment but we still have a few things to finalize so that’ll tick over in due course).
Another Huge THANKS has to go out to Claudia and her amazing Team for putting together what was by all accounts an amazing quiz night in the Bay, final total still to be confirmed but it looks as though they made around $2,500 which is awesome. I also want to thank everyone who generously donated to the night, Prizes, Raffles or Auction items.
- The Corner Clive
- Jennifer Heath Pearls
- Gannet Beach Adventures
- Clearview Estate
- Elephant Hill
- Haumoana Farmyard Zoo
- Kidzplay and Funky Farm
- Breakers Hastings
- Boutique Horsetreks
- Chris Waldron
- Clive Pharmacy
- Par2 Minigolf
- Riverhut Clive
- Appmed House
- Truly Nails by Alana
- Laserforce Napier
- Mountain Valley Adventure Lodge
- and I am sure many more I am not aware of
I was astounded by the support that got behind Claudia with the event and we are eternally grateful to you all.
The next thing Happening is Jaime Slater from Harcourts Greytown has generously offered to give $1 for every comment on her post below, so if you haven’t already, read the details and follow the instructions please. We’ve had huge support on there so far and Matt Spicer from Loanmarket has generously offered to match the first $100 as well. Thanks Jaime and Matt!
Site Update

I have given the web site a bit of a tidy up and re-format, mostly to allow easy tracking of the doations total now that we are not putting everything through the givealittle page. Now the total on our main page is the authoritive total and I am just working on linking that total to a list of items that have added to the tally as I really want to keep the whole process as transparent as possible so people feel really comfortable donating. We also have a new Donate Now Button on the main page just like this one:
The new button links directly to a PoliPay donation portal, this is in response to givealittles 5% fee they have started charging. We still get a 1% fee on the polipay donation but that’s better all round. The process works by creating a secure bank account to bank account portal to donate, so it looks a little scary but works really well and is used by the likes of The Warehouse and Air New Zealand for their payments. We are working with another company out of Australia who will be bringing cheaper credit card transactions to NZ soon so we can do C/Card donations direct as well. I will keep you all updated in due course.
Other Things
Cinema Night – Wellington – November 17th
Anyone in the Wellington Region, put this date in your calendar! On the 17th November we have a preview screening of the Move Fantastic Beasts and where to find them at Light House Cinema, Te Aro
‘J.K. Rowling invites you to a pre-screening of the new era of the wizarding world starring Eddie Redmayne. The adventures of writer Newt Scamander (Redmayne) in New York’s secret community of witches and wizards seventy years before Harry Potter reads his book in school.’
Tickets will be on sale shortly for $20, there will be limited numbers available so best to get in quick. Contact details of how/where to buy the tickets will be uploaded soon; for now PENCIL THE DATE INTO YOUR DIARIES AND INVITE FRIENDS AND FAMILY!
Wood Raffle
We still have the firewood raffle running. $2 per ticket or 3 for $5, nice trailer load. Let me know if you want tickets.
Other Bits
We’re still thrashing out the details, but it looks as though we’ll be having an event around Halloween, which is always a great excuse to dress up.
We will also likely have a Bus Trip on for the races/UB40 in January, Again, details to come
We are hoping to have a stall at the Thorndon Market and of Course the Martinborough Fair so anyone who has things we could sell at those let us know, Apparently they are much more strict on food items at those ones so we may not be able to do baking this time sadly.