Happy Easter Everyone!
We have breached the $8000 mark! There are a lot of generous people out there and we thank you all very sincerely. I haven’t written a full post for a while, we have been flat-out trying to organise all our fundraisers. Things are ticking along nicely though and we have started to advertise our Auction/Dinner at Copthorne Solway Park on the 21st May. You can check out the poster here:
Anyone wanting to buy tickets can go to http://tickets.perkins.nz, We are still finalising some details, but be assured it will be a great night out with various entertainment and excellent auction items. We’re aiming to have options for everyone throughout the night. I am awaiting details on pricing but we should get a good price on rooms at Solway Park for that night for anyone that is interested in staying so will advise on that as soon as I know. We are on the hunt for donated wine for the evening now, and also, we’re chasing a few leads for speakers, but if anyone has any ideas or contacts please let us know.
We have had some amazing raffles, fair trips, etc all come through the givealittle so to all involved in those we thank you so much! The more we look at the massive total we have to try to reach the more obvious it becomes that it’s all these little things regularly that are going to add up to push us up there. I am super excited to make it to the $10k mark now, not far to go!
Throughout this I have been asked on occasion, why now, why go so ‘early on’ in your progression of MS or even worse, you look so healthy. It is hard trying to fund raise when you do look fairly healthy on the outside, so I do understand people asking. I found this graph which kind of explains exactly why we are so actively chasing this treatment and trying to get there as soon as we can:
Currently I am Early Relapsing, I am relatively young and in reasonably good health/shape otherwise. All these factors mean that this treatment is significantly more likely to have a positive effect on me. As you can see on that graph, the longer I leave it, the less chance I have of any form of recovery. I am not griping, as I said earlier, I can understand Peoples queries, but more just putting that info out there for anyone that was uncertain to help explain the whole process. I am all about being as transparent as possible with the whole procedure so as to not to have any confusion.
It is fair to say that the cognitive symptoms are the ones that really make life difficult and they are the ones people can’t see, like not being able to focus on more than one thing at a time, not being able to get up due to fatigue, not remembering, words, names, conversations due to the brain fog or the loss of cognitive associations. All little things, but they happen more and more regularly ad can be quite embarrassing at times. Ultimately, those are the things I am really aiming to try to resolve with this treatment, Physical recovery would be wonderful, but mental recovery is my first priority.
Anyway, enough of that. I hope that helps clear that all up. As always you can find our givealittle at: