Quick Run Down

A brief image that helps to explain the HSCT process visually
Today’s post is going to fairly short and sweet. A very quick run down of where things are at. The steroids have really gotten on top of me today and thinking straight is not high on my possibilities. Today has been a HUGE day for talking to people, getting info and getting a pile of shirt orders. Thanks to everyone that has taken an interest and ordered. For anyone else who wants to have a look, these are the shirts:
You can view more here: https://www.bonfirefunds.com/kicking-ms-in-the-nick-of-time-1, if you are interested in getting one give me an email first and I can do it as part of a big batch order to save on shipping.
We made it to the Wairarapa Midweek tonight for tomorrow edition. You can view the story here: https://issuu.com/apn_mediaservices/docs/wtx/c/spxdzrr, I feel like it’s a great write-up that is fairly clear on how we feel about everything.
Had a visit to the neurologist today with regards to my ‘relapse’, he is still not 100% sure that it is a relapse, but wasn’t entirely clear on what the other options are, Have been referred for another MRI to look for any active lesions on the brain or spinal cord, then we can decide the next step, most likely a change of treatment drugs, yet to be decided. We spoke about HSCT and after clarifying with me that I had a good understanding of what I am getting myself in for he was very supportive and even went as far as saying he felt that my current age, condition, health, strength all worked in my favor for the treatment. Given some of the less favorable stories we have seen about Dr’s not being supportive it is a breath of fresh air.
Finally and MOST IMPORTANTLY, it is time to say another HUGE thank you to everyone who has been involved so far. You are all incredible and we feel incredibly blessed to have so many people rallying behind us. I wish there was a better way to show our gratitude but please know you all have it. It has been an amazing ride and I know, personally, given my current health I couldn’t even close to do any of this without all of you around me.
Needless to say there are a number of other things on and you will have all seen the number of posts I am sharing. I am far too run-down to go through them now but scroll through our Facebook to see them all and I’ll try getting a bit more of a thorough post done once I’ve ridden the steroid train out (probably the weekend).