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Here are my posts from newest to oldest. I'd love to hear from you!
17th Feb – Things are changing

17th Feb – Things are changing

It has been nearly 2 months since my last post around Christmas time. Things since then have been a mixed bag. I have had a lot of time with my family and that has been amazing, we've gotten out and done a lot of things and made the best of the weather. The weather...

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24th December – General Update

I haven't really posted anything of substance for a while so thought a little pre-Christmas post was in order. The reason I haven;t had a lot of posts is that there hasn't been an awful lot to post, I didn't post at the end of the drug trial as I was sort of waiting...

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15th Nov – Drug trial coming to an end

My last week this week on the Drug Trial. I am fairly confident now that I am on the Fampyra this time. I haven't really noticed any vision effects but have definitely been more active and not feeling 'as' run-down after doing anything requiring a large amount of...

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8th November 2015 – The Drugs

This is the nightly batch of drugs: - Copaxone Injection - Vitamin D (5000IU) - Fampyra (Drug Trial Drug) - Multi-Vitamin - Flax Seed Oil - Antibiotic (For tooth Infection) This is complemented by the Antibiotic and Fampyra being taken each morning too. I am getting...

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18th October – Needles

    It has been a while since I posted. Thought I'd throw up a picture while I was disposing of my latest batch of needles, makes me feel like a bloody junkie seeing them all together. Am smack in the middle of my 2 week detox from the first batch of drugs...

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13th Sept 2015 – 1 year down

Yesterday was one year since diagnosis. I am certain anyone with MS will tell me that the first year is the worst, I hope they do, another year like that we can do without. On the up side one thing this year has done is brought me back in touch with a lot of family...

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